
Becoming a Smarter English Language Teacher

This course targets at Vietnamese teachers of English. This online 3-module course covers key smart pedagogies (Module 1), smart technologies (Module 2), and smart assessments (Module 3) needed to become a smarter English language teacher.

What you will learn

  • Module 1 Smart-Teach examines key practical teaching principles needed for a smarter English language teacher.
  • Module 2 Smart Tech focuses on key principles and smarter use of technology in your day-to-day teaching.
  • Module 3 Smart Assess explores fundamental principles in language assessment and smarter ways to help ensure your assess...

General Course Overview

This Course  provides key pedagogical, technological and assessment principles for English language teachers to apply in teaching English in all delivery modes in real life contexts. 

It takes a practical, interactive and reflective learning approach. 

Experienced trainers are 03 qualified Vietnamese instructors based in Australia with good understanding of the Vietnamese teaching contexts and practical knowledge and experience in the field of English language teaching. 

The course is organized in 7 online teaching sessions scheduled for 2 hours/each online session on Saturdays and Sundays for 4 weekends long. The language of instruction in this course is Vietnamese.


Course Requirements

There is no course prerequisite. At the beginning of the course, participants are informed of both formative and summative assessments of the course.


Course Expectations

Participants are expected to complete pre-module readings, watch provided videos, participate actively, interact collaboratively, reflect critically, and fulfil required assessments if the course. 


Module 1 - (Smart Teach) Overview

This Module #1 helps YOU become a SMARTER  English Language Teacher through a high level of self-awareness and smart application of key practical pedagogical principles to your own teaching context(s) with positive impacts on your students' engagement and active/transformative learning. Particularly, this module will go through 

1.  02 useful resources which will help you reflect on your own pedagogical ways of teaching English 

2. 3 simple pedagogical mistakes that people make in their English language teaching journey (and how to fix them)

3.  04 key practical pedagogical principles to help you learn how to become a smarter English language teacher and start reflection on how to transform your own teaching in your own context


Module 2 - (Smart Tech) Overview

Module #2 helps YOU become a SMARTER  English Language Teacher through a high level of self-awareness of key principles of smart technology use in language teaching, and smarter application to your specific contexts to result in your students' engagement and active/transformative learning. Particularly, this module will provide hands-on guidance on:

1. How to search for any online resources, including teaching materials and tools, to facilitate your teaching and learning

2. How to use technologies for lesson planning and delivery with the focus on using Google apps

3. How to use technologies to teach language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and components (vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation) to transform your own teaching in your own context

4. How to use technologies for continuing professional development (CPD) beyond this signature course


Module 3 - (Smart Assess) Overview

Module #3 helps YOU become a SMARTER  English Language Teacher through raising your awareness of the key principles of quality assessment, the standard process of assessment development, and the practical ways to enhance your assessment practices. It also assists you in applying the learning to your specific contexts. Particularly, this module will go through: 

1. 01 resource which introduces you to a standard process of assessment development in both large-scale and classroom assessments,

2. 02 resources which detail the indicators of assessment competency/literacy of teachers in Vietnam and in the world for your comparison,

3. 05 fundamental principles of quality assessment that help you develop and use assessments appropriately, and

4. A range of practical ways to inspect texts, evaluate assessment content, and create assessments to measure intended learning outcomes. 


Course Content

Engage with short video Link #1 - Click here

The Biggest Challenges For Language Teachers (By David Crystal)

Engage with short video link #2 - Click here

Teaching Principles (By Jack C. Richards)

Engage with your peers (from 11 - 13th March)

A discussion forum

Dr. Mai Ngo's self introduction video - Click here
Engage with a short reading text - Click here

Teaching to the Heart and Head

Engage with Dr. Mai Ngo: Session #1 - Smart Teach

2.5 hours scheduled @ 10AM - 12:30PM Saturday 13th March 2021

Engage with Dr. Mai Ngo: Session #2 Smart Teach

2.5 hours scheduled @ 10AM - 12:30PM Sunday 14th March 2021

Share smart teach concept map

Please attach your concept map in PDF or JPG format

Ask Dr. Mai Ngo
Dr. Thu Dang's self introduction video - Click here



Engage with a short video link - Click here

An ideal classroom- Project Bridge

Engage with a short reading text - Click here

Some perspectives on teaching and learning - Information and communication technology (ICT) 

Engage with Dr. Thu Dang session #3 Smart Tech

2.5 hours scheduled @ 10AM - 12:30PM Saturday 20th March 2021

Engage with Dr. Thu Dang session #4 - Smart Tech

2.5 hours scheduled @ 10AM - 12:30PM Sunday 21st March 2021

Share your smart tech concept map

Please attach your concept map in PDF or JPG format

Ask Dr. Thu Dang
Dr. Phuong Tran self introduction video - click here
Engage with a short video link - Click here

Introducing language assessment - Test development

Engage with two short reading texts
Engage with Dr. Phuong Tran session #5 - Smart Assess

2.5 hours scheduled @ 10AM - 12:30PM Saturday 27th March 2021

Engage with Dr. Phuong Tran session #6 - Smart Assess

2.5 hours scheduled @ 10AM - 12:30PM Sunday 28th March 2021

Share your smart assess concept map

Please attach your concept map in PDF or JPG format

Ask Dr. Phuong
Assessment and Final Session #7

This section provides details about the three End-of-Module assessments and the End-of-Course assessment. It also introduces Concept Mapping and Action Planning as the two important tools to be used in the assessment tasks.

Final concept map

Please submit your final concept map in PDF

Please click here to view.